We belong to the Free Reformed Churches of North America, which consists of 22 local churches with about 5,400 members, primarily located in Canada. There are 3 churches in British Columbia, 4 in Alberta, and 13 in Ontario. The remaining 2 churches are in Michigan and New Jersey, USA. Specific locations can be found on our denominational website by going to https://frcna.org. This website also contains information such as resources, publications and contact information.
The Messenger
As a denomination, our Church Federation is involved in a number of publications. ‘The Messenger’ which is published monthly contains a Biblical Meditation, a Church History article, an Editorial on varied Biblical subjects, a Book Review, a ‘Discerning the Times’ article as well as Church News and Announcements. Subscribe to this publication at- bookorders@frcna.org.
Open Windows
We also publish a very colourful 16 page Children’s Magazine bi-monthly for children aged 6-12 which is eagerly read by many adults as well. ‘Open Windows’ contains a short Biblical Devotional, a two page Junior Free Story and Senior Free Story which relate Biblical themes and morals, a Book Review, a Puzzle, a Colouring Contest page, a ‘When I Grow Up’ page depicting various careers, a Creation Corner etc. You can subscribe to this delightful periodical by contacting- slingerland@telus.net
Plants and Pillars
An online magazine titled ‘Plants and Pillars’ for youth can be accessed by going to our denominational website. It contains a number of ‘Ask the Pastor’ articles, short films on subjects such as ‘Syncretism, Marriage, God’s Will etc. This site can be freely accessed.
Our denomination also publishes books through our Free Reformed Publications. A number of titles include: ‘Simply Faith’ contains sermons on the Belgic Confession, ‘Memoirs of the Way Home’ which is a commentary on Ezra and Nehemiah, ‘Joshua: A Book of God’s Faithfulness’, ‘Expository Sermons’ on the Canons of Dordt, etc. etc. An excellent, very helpful publication for Sunday School Teachers is ‘The Teachers Bible Commentary’.
Reformed Book Services
Our churches also endorse a Christian Bookstore called Reformed Book Services, located in Brantford, Ontario. While this ‘non-profit’ store is not a denominational enterprise, it is directed and staffed by members from our denomination. This book store seeks to promote Godliness, Revival and Reformation and therefore endeavours to sell only publications which are Biblical. The website is: https://reformedbookservices.com/